Thursday, 14 July 2016

To the festival

Tuesday 12th July

Victoria's  first sail in the Rade de Brest

By the time  Victoria was launched yesterday it was getting late for rigging her. We got lots of jobs done: lorry was securely parked up and preparations were made but then supper called and the rest had to wait.
Today we rig the mast with all its various wire and string and once ready and double-checked we raise it using a purpose built steel A-frame. Sails all bent on and then by 2pm we are on our way. 

Plenty of breeze out there in the bay so it is a lively sail round to the festival site in the Commercial Port area and miraculously for a "shake down" sail nothing goes wrong and everything seems to be in place.
Lovely to see square riggers and gaffers and luggers and everything you can think of sailing all around us. I take some photos: the phone doesn't cope as well as the camera but it's a bit too wet with the spray for either.

We sail in with lovely big lugger Grayhound (yes spelt like that despite efforts of my phone at auto correction). She stops to lower her sails but we do all that once inside the commercial port and are welcomed in to our berth in zone D4. Now let the party begin!

WiFi is rather thin on the ground here so I'm not sure whether I'll be able to post much. Will do my best.
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