Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Festival Day 3 - on Gaffer duty

Friday July 15th

The Bastille Day party ran on very late and very loud last night. If that is all the sleep I'm  going to get at night I will never last the pace. However we wake to shocking news of the attack in Nice and count our blessings .

In a spirit of international cooperation we are sharing a stand with the French Old Gaffers and today it is my turn  to do a stint at selling merchandise and distributing flyers. It's Ben Collins who has set this up and he manages to charm lots of us into taking a turn.

Anyone for souvenir T shirts and mugs?

While I mingle with the natives on land Howard goes sailing again, this time with a friend Jim who is here tied to a land stand and keen to get out on the water.

Victoria sailing slowly back in, Jim at helm

We get to have a cold beer later and for the second time we have managed to be in the right bar at the right time for a free Ricard.

It's getting hotter and hotter here, beer goes down fast chased by free Ricard.

Barry has offered to cook us supper on Random so we tuck into delicious garlicky pork chops in a slightly quieter corner of the festival than our own.

Great supper on board Random

(Hoping to add a couple more days worth shortly)

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