Saturday, 23 July 2016

Festival last day

Monday 18th July

We can't believe it's still going strong. We thought the 6 day date span might involve a bit of poetic licence but no, still crowds of visitors paying to mill about, admire boats and be sold to.  Hundreds if not thousands a day have booked trips out on square riggers or old work boats and the music from the main stage is as loud as ever. On a Monday!

Moules frites and beer for us again (might even be the same photo as before - sorry).

Today is supposed to be "Angleterre" day and the Flotille Anglaise is supposed to parade at 15.30. It's a very low key parade as no one has coordinated it. The announcements keep mentioning Old Gaffers as if this included all the English boats and perhaps this is one reason why it is mostly OGA boats which participate, including a good east coast contingent: Witch, Random and Victoria. Leader from Brixham takes part (so we follow her of course!).
Amelia Rose is the only pilot  cutter to join in though there are several others here and Grayhound has no guests so it's  a day off and he'll only join in if they pay him!

Perhaps we are all a bit festivaled out.

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