Monday, 15 August 2016

Photo gallery 2 - Views from Random in the Rade

 On Saturday 16th July we sailed out into the Rade again on 1930 gaff cutter Random

Introducing Barry and  Random. Howard enjoying helming but not being photographed

Not much going on out here but we spot this lovely old friend from afar: My friend Claire grew up on this ship and her father still owns it so our paths have crossed a few times over the years. Looking good Irene!

Irene - West Country Trading Ketch

Irene is a long term member of the OGA but here's one that isn't: the skipper of Lassie of Chester says that he'll happily join up (I am not the first to suggest it) if we'll only accept cash - try telling that to a busy Membership Secretary. I suggest that his daughter (seen here at the helm) should take it in hand - there's nothing like threatening people with the younger generation for prompting action so you never know...

Lassie of Chester - Morecambe Bay Prawner

Barry enjoying the view

Nice quiet sail, time to head back in

Wait a minute, where are they all coming from all of a sudden?
Sudden rush of activity

Talk about eye-candy! You can why I couldn't stop snapping. Some are better focussed than others but however calm the day, when there is this much activity on the water it does chop up and rock the boat. We had sailed out at about 11am but this lot all piled out of the harbour at about 2.30pm and met us on our return. So typically French not to miss out on a good long lunch before taking to the water.

And then out swept this absolute stunner complete with escort of photographers:

The Cancalaise, a replica fishing lugger (yes!) built by the little town of Cancale in the north of Brittany

Cancalaise was followed by another iconic French celebrity gaffer: Eric Tabarly's Pen Duick, also flying everything:

Pen Duick

That pesky RIB blocked my view the whole way past. Grrr!

We once published some photography tips in the OGA Gaffer's Log from Beken of Cowes and one of his key points was a point of courtesy: don't hog the shot, take your picture and move on as you are not the only photographer on the water. (I was not offending, sailing the other way we were blocking no one for very long).

So off they all went to blast about the Rade and we sailed back in for beer and mussels (again)

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