Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Animal or vegetable?

Saturday 25th June

Howard peering to inspect the growth on Victoria's hull as she is lifted out, Sarah supervising

Our sailing club, the Harwich and Dovercourt, has a policy of members mucking in and helping each other out. Howard does "working party" duty on Tuesday evenings and I serve behind the club bar now and then. Which is how it came about that whilst Victoria was lifted out in the pouring rain I was watching from the comfort and shelter of the bar. Our friend Sarah nobly performed the role of strop mistress (ask her!) and rope tweaker and Victoria was soon safely on her trailer.

The reason for yesterday's slow passage became abundantly clear:

Truly disgusting - these things squirt water at you as if they were vengeful sea creatures but I am told they are seaweed

My bar duty continued until relief cover arrived back from a fishing trip so I missed out on the damp and very smelly task of scraping this all off. What luck! 
And well done Howard, my hero!

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